As always, beautifully written and touches my heart. I loved the verse from Ps16 in The Voice! The boundary lines certainly have fallen for us in pleasant places 🙌!
Sherrill, you are so right. I also have moved a lot and felt uprooted many times from places that I loved until I settled in my heart that Jesus was my dwelling place and so I was always home. Thanks for that reminder. And your beautiful comment.
Thank you for this beautiful message. I love the Passion Translation of Psalm 16:6 since I have moved to many places in my lifetime “Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places. I’m overwhelmed by the privileges that come with following you, for you have given me the best” and I would like to add that He is my dwelling place. Blessings. Sherill Trevino
I often missed the simple things in life that God had given me... us...because my eye's heart were longing for something better. Now I see it's not in what I have it's in the relationship of who I have. Give me a small house and a big God I'll be content.
Thanks for your post Cathee it was simple yet perfect.
As always, beautifully written and touches my heart. I loved the verse from Ps16 in The Voice! The boundary lines certainly have fallen for us in pleasant places 🙌!
I actually love where I live too and as I walk everyday, I pray for my neighbors to come to know the Lord before His return.
Lovely word picture of a neighborhood we all long to be a part of!
So pleased to you are writing again
Thanks for your faithful encouragement Polly!
Love this post. Great to see you on here. Keep writing.
Sherrill, you are so right. I also have moved a lot and felt uprooted many times from places that I loved until I settled in my heart that Jesus was my dwelling place and so I was always home. Thanks for that reminder. And your beautiful comment.
I now know Texas runs around the 'hood in her jammies. HAHA. Enjoyed the heart that generated this post. Have a blessed Christmas!
Thank you for this beautiful message. I love the Passion Translation of Psalm 16:6 since I have moved to many places in my lifetime “Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places. I’m overwhelmed by the privileges that come with following you, for you have given me the best” and I would like to add that He is my dwelling place. Blessings. Sherill Trevino
I often missed the simple things in life that God had given me... us...because my eye's heart were longing for something better. Now I see it's not in what I have it's in the relationship of who I have. Give me a small house and a big God I'll be content.
Thanks for your post Cathee it was simple yet perfect.
The best street ever!